Remember - keeping safe and legal when recording is your responsibility. For more information on the DECIDE score and the map tool: further infoHelp: hiddenSpecies & seasonButterfliesDay-flying mothsNight-flying mothsMonthAll monthsJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberDECIDE score layerOpacity:Filter:100%Fog map: offDECIDE suggestionsMaximum suggestions:Access layersRights of Way: hiddenAccess points: hiddenGreenspace: hiddenOpen access: hiddenNational Trust: hiddenLondon access: hidden
Do you want to discover new places to record wildlife?
Do you want to record nature in the places where it matters most?
If yes, this DECIDE Tool shows you where records of butterflies and moths are most needed. Let's start with a quick walkthrough to get you up and running in no time!